Last week, I decided to switch my cell phone carrier and get a new phone because my ancient one wouldn’t work at all on the new network. What I didn’t know…
Screaming Western Grebe
Was how much craziness would ensue. And yes, there have been times this week I felt like screaming.
The grebe above isn’t actually screaming, but it does look like it was. Sometimes I edit photos of my bird and animal subjects that make me laugh and save them in my files in case they work well with something I might write about. This was one of those funny images.
My new cell phone was scheduled to arrive on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, my old cell phone decided to go crazy. I couldn’t get past the lock screen.
At first, I simply couldn’t see the keypad to enter my pass code. Then I figured out where the numbers were and managed to get into the phone. For all the good that did. Every screen I tried to access was black. I couldn’t do anything.
My phone toyed with me for a while, and then the lock screen completely froze. It stopped responding to my touch altogether.
The problem was that I needed my old cell phone to approve a message in their app from my previous carrier for a number transfer PIN, but I couldn’t view those messages or approve them on the phone.
The only thing I could do was use the Phone Link app on my laptop, which was connected to the old phone, to view and send text messages or make phone calls. More accurately, I used the app to dial numbers and then talked on my phone.
I spent hours chatting with my old carrier Wednesday night and Tuesday morning while logged into my account through my laptop browser. I talked with at least 11 technicians (possibly more), but nothing worked or was resolved.
Whenever they texted me a link to grant access, I kept ending up on the security page of my account. I desperately wanted to keep my old phone number—I’ve had it for 24 years.
I logged out of my account and waited for the carrier’s “normal hours” to call them. That last technician was able to text me a link, and when I clicked it, I could finally generate the number transfer PIN. I could have danced!
My troubles weren’t completely over, but I finally managed to activate my new phone with the new carrier.
I lost my contacts but was able to retrieve text messages from my bricked old cell phone and used them to rebuild my contact list. It took a lot of time, but hey, I ended up weeding out quite a few numbers I don’t need anymore.
I can’t shut the old phone off—it doesn’t work—but sooner or later, the battery will go flat, and that hunk of junk will be toast.
Maybe my old phone took revenge on me because it knew it was about to be replaced. Who knows?
Anyway, yes, there were moments this week when I felt like screaming. But this morning, I’m heading out into nature and away from technology for some peace, relaxation, and joy.
Life is good.
P.S., I switched to Visible, which for a single person has much better pricing than my previous carrier.
Click here to see more of my Western Grebe photos plus facts and information about this species.
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