Because of the way the sunlight hits the turret, we’re only able to do photos in it about six months out of the year. During the day, that is. At night, if my human sets up some light, it’s possible to get in some cool looking portraits. It’s just a matter of figuring out where to place the lights. She didn’t think this was a terribly interesting set up (in spite of the subject, of course!).
So after moving them around a little, she came up with this.
She also tried placing me behind the the railing for a dramatic effect. This one was difficult because I had to stay in one spot for the light to hit me just right. And it’s not easy for a kitty to stay in one place!
Eventually, we just tried one light, and after moving the other one around a little, this is what we came up with.
And here’s a close up of me!
Did you like these photos? Do you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments!