Thanks, Moizza and bunnies Buffy and Quinta Bunson! Moizza writes:

Since Buffy & Quinny’s play space has a “rabbits on the moon” theme, I tried to get a nice picture of them pounding mochi*, per the Japanese legend, with their cousin. But since they are bunnies, this was the best I could do.

The ‘mochi’ was just a bit of dried pumpkin and fresh grape  I was inspired by my time in Japan, where the ‘rabbit on the moon’ legend is quite well-known (inspiring Sailor Moon among other things) and finding a moon-patterned fleece to put down for the bunnies’ play space. I also got some C&C grids that came with perfect, rabbit-scale mallets* that complimented a wooden treat box from Small Pet Select. Once I spotted a Miffy toy holding a moon, it all came together.

*Here’s what mochi-making looks like, mallets included:

Finally, here’s what Moizza says is a “short, chaotic video of them knocking Miffy over and running off with the ‘mochi’ treat”:


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