Because we live in Los Angeles, the majority of our friends local to us have been impacted in one way or another by the wildfires here. And my human and I have been trying to figure out the best way to help. And actually, I have a way to help that involves you!
I have not been very vocal about it, but I am on Cameo. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s a platform where celebrities make short, personalized videos for people. Clips like birthday and holiday greetings, get well wishes, pep talks, etc. Even advice and roasts! (Although I don’t do roasts, it’s not in my nature.) The fee for this depends on how big the celebrity is. I will be honest and tell you that my human has never heard of most of them because she doesn’t watch TV or listen to hip hop. And she wouldn’t know an athlete if she tripped over one. But she did see Roger Daltry, Tommy Lee of Motley Crue, and one of her favorite stand up comics, Brad Williams! And then there’s me.
Actually there are a number of cats on Cameo besides me. And it costs a lot less for most of us to do Cameos than human celebrities. Can’t afford $399 for Sebastian Bach? You can get me for $25!
A lot of celebrities donate the money they get for Cameos because, well, they don’t really need it. Usually, I just take the money because I’m not in that type of income bracket. But from now until Friday, January 24, I will be donating one hundred percent of what I get paid for my Cameos to Pasadena Humane! That adds up to about $17.50 per Cameo.
I chose Pasadena Humane because I wanted to donate to an organization that literally has boots on the ground to help the pets and wildlife affected by the wildfires. And they have been working around the clock. You can see some of what they are doing here. My human even knows some people who are volunteering for them right now.
Here are some stills from Cameos I’ve done in the past:
This one’s from (obviously) a happy birthday video.
I think this was for a pep talk.
Someone had a very sick kitty and needed moral support.
I’ve done tricks and I almost always do a high five!
So if you’ve ever wanted a personal video from me, now is the time to do it! I hope I’m really busy doing Cameos for the next few days. My fee for every video requested until midnight January 24 goes to Pasadena Humane.