There’s a specific hotel my human and I stay at when we go to the San Diego cat show. It’s only a few minutes away and it’s reasonably priced but not cheap. In fact, she was able to get a suite both this year and last year without paying too much more than the cost of a single room.
But when we checked in, everything was different! The whole hotel was completely redecorated. Here’s a clip from last year that shows you how the hotel used to look. Nothing seemed familiar…or did it?
Look who showed up — Mirror Kitty! She seems to follow me around to all the hotels.
But even she seemed a little bit confused. My human didn’t figure it out until she came home and looked up the previous bill…this was the exact same room we stayed in last time! Yes, the very same one you saw in the clip.
I did one thing in this room I’d never done before — I drank out of the faucet! At home I usually don’t go near any of the sinks or faucets, but for some reason, I was interested in this one. But drinking from it took a bit of a learning curve, as you can see in the video below.